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Business Productivity

Business Operations
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Do you remember Business Operations before the Cloud?

The cloud network for businesses is a new development. While widely used today, before it came into existence, many businesses had to make do with the limited in-house resources that were available. If you have not yet signed up for a cloud network for businesses, you are probably experiencing these limitations that can hold your business back. Using a Cloud Network to Help Your Business Business growth and success are the primary goals of any business owner. If you want your business to grow, you will usually have to hire more people, invest in more advanced IT infrastructure, buy more…
Kelle White
April 18, 2022
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Why is Your Phone System Important for Business?

Mobile phones have evolved tremendously in recent years and now have many powerful features never seen in previous phone systems. Many businesses rely on mobile phones as vital tools in business operations, and some have ditched their phone lines completely in favor of mobile devices. But is this the best decision? Have business phone systems become irrelevant or even obsolete? The Importance of Business Phone Systems The value of modern communication systems is incontestable. But this doesn't mean that traditional business phone systems are no longer needed. Let's look at some of their main uses for modern businesses. Integration of…
Kelle White
April 11, 2022
operating environment
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Why Is the Operating Environment So Important?

People today are well-versed with technology compared to a decade or so ago. But are you sure that the technical skills of your employees are enough to maintain an efficient and productive business structure for your company? Do you think you can stay ahead of your competitors in the industry using only amateur IT abilities? Many of us consider hiring an IT provider more of a luxury than a necessity. We believe the technical know-how of our in-house staff is more than sufficient to ensure the smooth operations of our business. Unfortunately, the arguments against hiring MSPs might create an…
Kelle White
April 4, 2022
vendor management
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Save Time by Outsourcing Vendor Management

Vendor management involves many activities related to the suppliers you use to run your business. Everything from selecting vendors to negotiating contracts, to reducing risk and delivering services will impact your business. Any business that works with suppliers of products or services needs to have good vendor management practices. This job is essential to ensure seamless business operations and to maintain an amicable partnership with the suppliers. Depending on the type of business you’re in, you might work with vendors from diverse industries and of different sizes. These include IT consultants, security personnel, financial advisers, cleaners, and a lot more.…
Kelle White
March 20, 2022
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Is Your Business Lacking the Latest Technology?

Do you have time to keep up with the latest technology? Your business potential is limited by the kind of IT infrastructure you use, and the technology hardware programs that you have installed. No matter how big your company is, it will be hard to grow if you are still using the same tools that you used a decade ago. Businesses Can Gain by Staying on Top of Technology It’s a given that multinational corporations need sophisticated technology hardware and programs to maintain their massive global operations. For small and medium business enterprises today, it’s not much different. Even if…
Kelle White
March 14, 2022
Business ProductivityUncategorized

Making the Most of Your Quarterly Business Reviews

Quarterly business reviews, or QBRs, are among the most valuable tools you can use to check the health of your business. These reviews give a clear assessment of your company over the previous 90 days or so. You can use them to improve the weaker aspects of your business. Unfortunately, some companies do not get the proper feedback from their QBRs. Most likely because the quality of the QBR is not that strong. If you do not have a managed service provider and are handling all your IT internally, then you must conduct your QBR as well, which may not…
Kelle White
February 28, 2022
Business Technology
Business ProductivityConsultingInfrastructureManaged ServicesSecurity

Be Proactive So Your Business Technology Doesn’t Fall Behind

Over the past few years, business technology has seen numerous changes and advancements. It certainly will continue to change in the future. Even fundamental operations are now significantly dependent on technology in most firms. Business owners should realize that using the latest technology is beneficial for usefulness, versatility, and overall productivity. Adapting to the Changes In the ever-evolving world of technology, today’s most modern and cutting-edge devices could be rendered obsolete in just a few years time. And you may have already purchased yours! Before that happens, though, you would probably have already upgraded to the newest version of the…
Kelle White
February 22, 2022
Business Productivity

Technology – Out with the Old, In with the New

For your business to grow and develop, there is one thing that absolutely must happen, and that is change. If things remain the same, there will be no growth. A business needs to be dynamic to evolve and continue the path toward long-term success. Technology is the key to such growth. Depending on the nature of the change, it can come with a lot of excitement, hope, anticipation, or perhaps worry and dread. In any case, a business change brings several challenges, especially now when we are still amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has taken the world hostage. Let’s look…
Kelle White
February 14, 2022
Business Productivitye-MarketingManaged Services

The Impact of Technology on Business Growth

Information technology has advanced tremendously in the last couple of decades. This growth has led to countless innovations in different areas, particularly in our businesses. Technology makes our daily office routines easier and more efficient. But how exactly can technology help businesses to grow? Here are some of the most useful and versatile tools commonly used by business owners today. Cloud Computing Technology Although some business owners are still hesitant to use cloud storage. There is no doubt that cloud computing has become the choice of most business owners because of its numerous benefits. Better resource management, higher efficiency, business…
Kelle White
February 8, 2022
Business ProductivityInfrastructureLeadershipManaged ServicesNotificationsSecurityTech Tip

Use Technology For Onboarding and Offboarding

Technology plays a crucial role in the smooth operation of your business, regardless of the industry you are in. Even the most old-fashioned business owners have accepted that they need to utilize technological innovations to keep up with the competition and deliver the best service to their clients. Indeed, technology contributes to almost all aspects of operating a business. However, to this day, many companies are still not maximizing the benefits that automation can give, particularly in the onboarding and offboarding process. How Technology Helps with Recruitment and Offboarding It is common for employees to come and go in any…
Kelle White
January 30, 2022